Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kale Chips

Kale is an amazing vegetable (it's actually a form of cabbage.) It is loaded with healthy nutrients like calcium, iron, vitamins A, C & K. It is very high in beta-carotene and lutein which promotes healthy eye sight. Just 2 cups of kale has 4g of protein and 3g of fiber!

I was a little hesitant to try these but I finally did. They are so delicious! Kale chips are crunchy, light and make the perfect healthy snack.

This is how I made them:

I took one kale bunch and ripped the kale leaves from the thick stalk, then tore them into smaller pieces. You could probably leave the stalk too if you wanted.
Toss the leaves with 1 or 2 tbs olive oil. Sprinkle with sea salt. Place the kale leaves on a cookie sheet in a single layer.
Preheat oven to 350F and bake for 10-15 minutes, stirring them occasionally and checking to make sure they don't over cook. (I overcooked a batch and they came out kind of bitter, similar to burnt popcorn.)
When they are done, they should be crispy to the touch.
Let cool and then enjoy!

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